+49 (0)89 26203640
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中德工业交流中心     S G I C C

Optimize the design of enterprise products / equipment to reduce the overall energy consumption of major products

Standardization of booth decoration and gifts;

Determine company theme color;

Standardization of company promotional materials, etc.

Professional ​Services

Exhibition application;

Booth design, booth decoration;

Exhibition event organization;

Exhibition and booth posters;

Exhibition materials and gift list

German expert team
Perfect service system

Development of screw simulation software;

Development of direct motor connection technology

Integration of marketing and R & D to create a high-quality management center and continuously improve industrial design

Energy Consumpti​on Design


Company website optimization

Regularly check and update company information, products, events, etc.

Sales in Europe

Improve the overall quality management system and strive for government quality awards at all levels

Total Quality Management System (Quality Award)

QIS Quality Information system

Contact and match companies with existing or potential customers in Europe, and improve corporate customer relationship management in Europe

European Representatives 

Assist in the application and award of the German Red Dot Award, and promote the marketing of enterprise products

Continuous ​Improvement in ​Product Appearance

European sales support

Improve appearance design, structural design, functional design, and enhance product competitiveness

Proceed from the functionality and stability of the product, and use the resources of the same industry experts to make continuous improvements

Supported by senior experts in the same industry in Germany, representing companies at important industrial summits and making corresponding reports to enhance the international image

Send European employees to participate in international exhibitions on behalf of companies and assist in product promotion

Professional sales in Europe, help customers enter the short list of major European company suppliers, and assist in sales in Europe

Introduce a mature quality management information system to provide fast, accurate and comprehensive quality information for enterprise production and quality management

○ 聚合资源